Open Letter to Video Journalists
Dear Potential Storyhunter,
Storyhunter is a group of video journalists, multimedia storytellers, and doc filmmakers that felt frustrated because too many of the world's most important stories are left untold. We believe the reporters on the ground should be dictating the news of the world, not the editors in major media capitals.
We’ve set up a system where video journalists from around the world can easily pitch us stories and we make sure the best ones get out to a global audience. The pieces will either be distributed by us or by some of the world's leading digital publishers. Basically, we handle the hassles of selling the stories and getting them out there, so you can focus on producing the work you love.
We are very selective about who we work with, as we take our commitment to high quality and ethical journalism very seriously. Membership is completely free. If you have a few years of professional experience under your belt, and feel that you are qulaified, apply here or learn more at
We can't wait to see your stories,
Team Storyhunter