Israeli Persepectives on the US Presidential Elections
This is the special report on the US elections we made for Falafel TV and CNN World Report. Although our polling method was obviously unscientific, I think that our report accurately reflects some political truths. Most Jerusalem Jews we spoke to supported McCain and perceive him as better for Israel. Since most Jerusalem Jews are religious, and most religious Jews are politically conservative, this is hardly surprising. The ultra-orthodox Jews we spoke to generally didn't care who won, as long as they were good to the Jews. If they did care, they overwhelmingly supported McCain. The majority of people we spoke to who appear to be secular Jews and did not wear a kippah (skullcap) supported Obama. Arab Jerusalemites we spoke to overwhelmingly support Obama who they perceive as the candidate who will be more even-handed in dealing with the region. However, some feel that it doesn't matter because the US will favor Israel regardless of who's in the White House. If you're as confused reading this as I am writing this, please refer to the schematic below:
Black hat = Don't give a shit/Almost certainly McCain
Knitted Kippah (national religious) = Mostly McCain
Religious followers of Rabbi Nachman with the super long sidelocks= Happy and Ready to Dance Regardless
Christian Pilgrims = Almost certainly McCain
American immigrants to Israel who are outwardly religious= Mostly McCain
American immigrants to Israel who are not outwardly religious= Mostly Obama
Man With Jerusalem Syndrome walking around with a stick who thinks he's the reincarnation of Moses = What election?
No Kippah = Mostly Obama
Israeli Arab/Palestinian = Almost certainly Obama/Don't give a shit
*-Please note: Unscientific polls, like most polls, should not be wholly trusted.
Enjoy the Video!